Paul Trusov

Welcome to my personal website. I am a student, software developer, and community volunteer. Here, you can find more information about my education, work experience, skills, accomplishments, and projects.



Academic Highlights

  • 2019

    International Math Competition

    Malaga, Spain
  • 2020-2021

    MBIT Competition

    1st Place team Winners
  • 2022

    Foilpal Intelligent Gadget

    Project Development
  • 2023

    MC Hackathon

    Head Organizer
  • 2023

    Verihire Internship

    App Development & ChatGPT API Optimization

International Math Competition

Represented the American School of Milan in the European tournament held in Malaga, Spain.

MBIT Competition

Out of 170 teams in Fall 2020 and 173 teams in Spring 2021, we finished as the 1st Place team in both competitions. View results.

Verihire Internship

Interned at Verihire, a startup specializing in AI for job application validation. Contributed to app development with React and optimized a communication bot using ChatGPT's API.


My Big Projects

Foilpal Intelligent Gadget

Currently enrolled in Montgomery Blair High School's Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science magnet program, I combined my strong academic background in advanced physics and computer science to design and develop Foilpal. This is an intelligent gadget aimed at assisting water sports enthusiasts, particularly in activities involving hydrofoils. The gadget utilizes a machine-learning-based analytic program and collects extensive data on hydrofoil movements. The goal is to provide visual guidance and real-time feedback to help riders master optimal board control.

MC Hackathon

As the President of Blair's Hack Club and the head organizer of the MC Hackathon, I successfully led a team of over 20 members to launch this event, anticipating over 100 participants and offering more than $1,000 in prizes. Leveraging my leadership skills and proficiency in languages like HTML, CSS, and Python, the hackathon became one of the most thrilling and inclusive competitions in Maryland. For more details, visit MC Hackathon.

Competitive Swimming

Having a strong passion for swimming, I have dedicating myself to this sport for a decade. My current aim is to go under 50 seconds in 100m butterfly and 46 seconds in 100m freestyle. For more information, visit swimming.

Work and Volunteer Experience

Professional & Community Contributions


At Verihire, a startup focused on using LinkedIn to validate resumes, I was a key member of a 6-person team aiming to revolutionize resume verification. Our project could potentially save billions of dollars in the global job market. My contributions included coding AI bots for effective communication and automated outreach, as well as utilizing React for dynamic application development.

Campaign for Julie Yang

I volunteered for Julie Yang's campaign for a seat on the local Board of Education. I persuaded my friends, family, and even strangers, advocating for her candidacy. On election day, I actively engaged with voters at polling stations to encourage them to vote for Julie Yang. Tnakfully my efforts were not in vain as she won the seat and became a member of the Board of Education.